The Society for Radiological Protection - SRP

SRP Annual Conference 2023

The Event Complex Aberdeen, 25 - 27 April 2023

SRP Annual Conference 2023


2023 - A Radiation Protection Odyssey. A Leap into the Future - Celebrating 60 Years of SRP


What an amazing Annual Conference it was in Aberdeen at the P&J Live Conference Centre.  With presentations from across the RP profession to Scottish dancing, this was certainly the place to be.  Presentations are now available for delegates only to view and certificates of attendance will be sent out this week.  Videos from sessions can be viewed through the conference app and will be uploaded to our website very shortly and you can view the photos on our Annual Conference gallery.

We'd like to say a big thank you Dr Colin Martin for presenting The Dunster Lecture this year and to John Jackson (SRP Archivist) for presenting on '60 years of SRP' (video below) and for being on the SRP History stand in the exhibition hall. (LtoR: Colin presenting and Jennifer Humphries (President) with John).  View The Dunster Lecture for 2023.

The 5K took place around the outside of the venue, amongst the greenery.  Congratulations to Gary Teague (Gemini Technology) for being the fastest male in SRP's 5K fun run and Ann Morgan (Dstl) for being the fastest female.  SRP Council and Harris Associates won the fastest team (Mary Allan, Charlene Matthewman, Gary Teague and Jim Thurston). (Photos LtoR: Gary, Ann and Mary, Charlene and Jim).  The video can be found below.


Jack Martin Award

The 2023 winner is Dr Corynne McGuire (SEPA) for her paper, presented in Aberdeen, entitled ‘Radiological Protection of the Public from Radioactive Particles’.  The photo shows SRP President, Jennifer Humphries (right), presenting Corynne (left) with the award on a recent windy day in the Lake District where Corynne was on a walking holiday to celebrate her PhD graduation from the University of Stirling.  Double congratulations Corynne! 

Awards Announced at the Annual Dinner
Honorary Fellow: Amber Bannon (Environment Agency).  Citation read by Peter Marsden; award presented by Jennifer Humphries (President) and Peter. 



Honorary Fellow: Claire-Louise Chapple (Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust).  Citation read by Immediate Past President Jim Thurston (Dorset County Hospital); award presented by Jennifer and Jim.

Founders' Medal: Trevor Jones (AdvanSci Ltd).  Citation read by, and award presented by, Jennifer.

Bernard Wheatley Award for the best paper in the 2022 Journal of Radiological Protection: Chansoo Choi (Uni of Florida), paper entitled: 'Development of alimentary tract organs for ICRP pediatric mesh-type reference computational phantoms'. Citation read by Mike Thorne (JRP Editor), award presented by Jennifer and Mike.

Rising Generation Group Award for best presentation for those within the first 10 years of their RP career: Laura Gerla (Southern Scientific), presentation entitled: 'Management of Radiological Emergencies: The Development of The Ger-Firefighters Agreement'.  Presented by Jennifer and RGG Committee Member, Cathy Nortey (AWE).

Young Professionals Award competition: Joanna Sillars (Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust), presentation entitled: 'Rehearsing contingency plans in a busy Nuclear Medicine Department'.  Presented by Jennifer and Jim.

Philip Nicholson Award for best poster presentation: Chansoo Choi (Uni of Florida) for poster entitled: 'Introducing next-generation ICRP paediatric reference computational phantoms based on mesh geometry'.  Presented by Jennifer and Secretary of the Awards Committee, Becky Varns (Dstl).

Best Exhibitor Award: AWE; award collected by Steve Domone.  Presented by Jennifer and Pete Bryant (Events Chair).

Special thanks to John Bradshaw (AWE) who has just stepped down as Chair of the Events Committee.  Citation read by Director of Engagement Sarah Hunak (Jacobs); gift presented by Jennifer and Sarah.

Thank you to the host of the evening, Stephanie Bloomer (Chair of the Outreach Committee), for keeping the awards ceremony running smoothly.

Affiliated Organisation Award was presented to Phoenix Dosimetry, for exhibiting at the most events this calendar year and for regularly advertising in the Radiation Protection Today magazine; thank you for your support.  Gift presented to Dawn Broadhead from Phoenix Dosimetry by Jennifer.


Thank you to everyone that took part in SRP's 5K; it was a very cold morning and even snowed on the first lap of the venue.  The video from the run will be available shortly.

Congratulations to Gary Teague (Gemini Technology) for being the fastest male in SRP's 5K fun run and Ann Morgan (Dstl) for being the fastest female.  SRP Council and Harris Associates won the fastest team (Mary Allan, Charlene Matthewman, Gary Teague and Jim Thurston). (Photos LtoR: Gary, Ann and Mary, Charlene and Jim).



The venue which held SRP's Annual Conference in 2023, P&J Live are extremely committed to sustainable practices.

"Run by a two-part onsite energy centre, whereby our food waste effectively powers our kitchens, P&J Live is the most sustainable event complex in the UK."

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