Careers and Registration
- Rising Generations Group
- RP Courses
- Women in Science
- Benefits of Professional Registration
- Applying for Registration
- Top Tips
- Chartered Radiation Protection Professional (CRadP)
- Incorporated Radiation Protection Professional (IRadP)
- Technical Radiation Protection Professional (TechRadP)
- Maintaining your Registration
- Radiation Protection Council
- Career Information
- Recruitment Service
- Support Schemes
Top Tips
#Here are some useful tips to consider when completing your application. They may seem obvious but they come from our assessment experience:
- Follow all the instructions and complete every section of the form as requested. Failure to do so may result in your applicaton being returned and will delay the assessment. Take care with your grammar and spelling and make sure the information you provide is consistent across every form and on your CV. Assessors are not impressed by incomplete or badly completed forms.
- Be specific and give sufficient detail: Assessors often have to request further information because applicants generalise. Also, make sure you highlight the Radiation Protection aspects of your work.
- Remember to focus on the outcomes and be clear on what your contribution to an activity was and what you learned from it.
- Don't make the Assessors work too hard or expect them to read between the lines - the ability to articulate your experience is part of the process.
- Be aware that Assessors focus on both your technical and your leadership skills to see which level you are working at.
- Choose your Supporters carefully, following the Guidance. Make sure that you brief them on the process (show them the Guidance) as they may not have acted in this capacity before.
- It's a good idea to ask for advice from colleagues who have been through the process.
- Most of all, remember that you need to make the case as to why you should be awarded registered status.
- If your application fails, and you decide to re-apply, make sure that you specifically address the Assessors' feedback.