SRP Honorary Fellows
Penny Allisy-Roberts OBEArwell BarrettWendy Bines OBEBryn Bridges OBEJohn BroughtonClaire CousinsPete BurgessRoger Clarke CBERoger Coates OBERoger CoxJohn CroftJohn GillEddie GoldfinchDudley Goodhead OBEBrian GornallCathy Griffiths OBEEric HallJohn HarrisonTony HudsonJohn HuntJohn JacksonBernard JamesSheila LiddleJohn MarshallColin MartinColin Partington MBEJan PentreathChris PerksPauline PowellJulian PrestonMike RenoufTony RichardsIan RobinsonJohn ScottJohn StatherPhill TattersallMike ThorneJack ValentinRichard WakefordGeoff Webb

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