Public Resources
Advice for Employers
Do you need Professional Radiation Protection Advice?
#Employers, Radiation Protection Advisers and the Law
Employers who work, or want to work with ionising radiations in Great Britain must first look at the Ionising Radiations Regulations (IRR17) to see if they are required to formally consult a Radiation Protection Adviser (RPA). Northern Ireland publishes separate regulations. There is no obligation to consult an RPA if the work is confined to those categories that are listed in Schedule 1 of IRR17. If the work falls outside the categories listed in Schedule 1, the employer must get formal advice from a suitable RPA as to how to comply with IRR17 and must appoint the suitable RPA in writing.
For details of some organisations offering advice to employers visit our Affiliated Organisation page. SRP does not endorse or recommend any particular supplier. Potential customers must make their own commercial decisions.