Public Resources
Our Outreach Programme
SRP exists as a Charity not just for its members but for the wider society. We recognise that some of the public may have concerns about the effects of ionising radiation. Our experts have compiled answers to Frequently Asked Questions About Radiation, together with a Glossary of the terms and concepts behind the science. If you have a query about something to do with radiation protection and you can’t find the answer on these pages use the box at the bottom of these pages to contact us.
Radiation protection is now an important component of science lessons in secondary schools, featuring in the syllabus of many examination boards. SRP is contributing to its teaching with a series of free Resources for Schools, including lesson plans and posters all designed to usefully enhance learning. In addition, our members take part in an exciting range of Outreach Events, through STEM initiatives such as The Big Bang Fair or Schools Events linked to our Annual Conferences. We also attend regional Careers Fairs, encouraging young people to consider our profession at university or through apprenticeships.
When stories involving radiation hit the headlines, some members of SRP, working through the Science Media Centre, may provide ‘on-the-record’ comments and background briefings to help with the public’s understanding of the issues.
Employers whose business involves working with ionising radiation or the disposal of radioactive waste need to meet the requirements of UK legislation. This may involve consulting professional advisers. Our Advice for Employers provides more details and links to Affiliated Organisation members who can provide this support on a commercial basis.
If you have a query about our outreach programme, or would like to suggest an event or activity where SRP might be involved, use the box at the bottom of these pages to contact us. Contact details for our Designated Safeguarding Person. SRP's Safeguarding Policy is available here.
Amber Bannon (EA), now SRP President, even met up with BBC One's 'The One Show' science presenter, Marty Jopson (photo below) at The Big Bang Fair.
Thank you to all of our volunteers for being on the stand and thank you to our sponsors Mirion Technologies, RPmatters and UniTech.

Photos above, with thanks to Lennox Herald.