International Activity
Promoting a Strong Radiation Safety Culture in the UK
#SRP, together with its Partner Societies (PSs), provided significant input to the IRPA document on Guiding Principles for Establishing a Radiation Protection Culture, which was published in 2014. Section 8 of this emphasised the role of IRPA Associate Societies (ASs) in supporting RP Professionals who are in the front line of promoting RP Culture. In recognition of this, SRP's Strategic Plan (2018-22) includes the development and dissemination of radiation protection culture in its Vision Statement.
The previous Strategic Plan (2013-17) specifically included the Goal of 'Promoting a Strong Radiation Protection Culture in the UK'. In developing a programme of work to pursue this Goal it was felt useful to produce a base line of the then current thinking and the issues and challenges that would need to be addressed in the UK. The roles of management and leadership, the Radiation Protection Advisor and Radiation Protection Supervisor, the professional bodies and the regulators were all reviewed. The study also identified generic challenges and sector specific factors and produced outline improvement plans. The paper summarising the findings of the review is available here. In addition, four sector Working Groups (WGs), together with an overarching Co-ordinating WG, were set up to develop and implement work programmes.
Co-ordinating Working Group
One of the generic points coming out of the early work was that the term 'RP culture', used by IRPA, did not resonate with non-RP professionals in the UK. However the term 'Radiation Safety Culture', had more impact; being seen as a subset of Safety Culture. It was therefore decided that we would re-brand documents and papers with the term Radiation Safety Culture. Please click here for the poster presentation at IRPA14 (2016) and here for the associated paper.
Presentation at SRP Annual Conference 2015 available here.
Click here for paper presented at IRPA14 (2016).
Research & Teaching
Presentation at SRP Annual Conference 2015 available here.
Click here for poster presentation at IRPA14 (2016)
Paper published in JRP available here.
Click here for poster presentation at IRPA14 (2016)
Click here for Nuclear New Build poster presentation at IRPA14 (2016)
General Users
Each of these groups is currently assessing the current levels of radiation safety culture and the attitudes and driving forces of the various stakeholders. Some existing resources and tools that can be made use of are being identified as is the need for some new ones.
The aim is to produce a 'Culture Pack' and regular updates on progress will be provided here. If you would like further information please contact John Croft.
NEW - Webinar on Safety Culture - recorded September 2021
This webinar (presented by John Wilkins, formerly of UKAEA) is intended to provide insights into safety culture and encourage others to discuss and be alert to cultural issues. The presentation explains safety culture and the importance of it within safe working. The key contributors to positive safety culture are described, including the role of leaders and senior managers. The concept of safety culture is developed through examples of behaviours and attitudes to illustrate good and poor safety culture. Many of the examples are based on personal experience in the nuclear industry.