30 August 2018
The University of Strathclyde, Glasgow
The main purpose of this event was to provide information and training to stakeholders on how SEPA will be implementing the requirements of the Environmental Authorisations (Scotland) Regulations 2018 (EASR) and what they are required to do to apply for and comply with authorisations issued under these regulations, including compliance with standard conditions.
This day saw over 80 people attend the meeting to learn about the EASR, how SEPA plans to implement them, SEPA's expectations for transition to the new regulations and any new obligations on operators under the new regulations. View the programme from the day.
All the presentations were from SEPA to an audience of representatives from the nuclear and non-nuclear industries as well as representatives from other agencies including the Environment Agency.
In the morning session, Jo Green represented CEO Terry A’Hearn. Jo spoke about One Planet Prosperity, Sector Plans and Sustainable Growth Agreements. SEPA is creating an integrated authorisation framework underpinning a sector approach that will make it simpler and easier for businesses to comply with regulatory requirements. Sustainable Growth Agreements are voluntary formal agreements between SEPA and an organisation that focus on practical action to deliver environmental outcomes helping to achieve One Planet Prosperity.
Wendy Thornton outlined how EASR supports SEPA’s wider aims for simpler regulation, the opportunities for One Planet Prosperity and SEPA’s sector plans. EASR is a common framework across multiple regimes with radioactive substances being the first to come into force.
Adam Stackhouse informed delegates of the new radioactive substances activities also outlining what is excluded from the regulations. Angela Wright explained the types of authorisations needed for different radioactive substances activities. Adam followed on by introducing the General Binding Rules noting changes from the exemptions under radioactive substances act. Keith Hammond informed delegates of the new Notification authorisation, what activities fall into this category and how to notify SEPA.
After lunch SEPA continued to inform delegates of new permits and registrations and the activities that fall within each category. SEPA introduced the concept of standard conditions for registrations and associated guidance. The transitional arrangements from radioactive substances act were discussed.
Throughout the day many questions were asked and answered demonstrating an awareness and understanding on the EASR from delegates.
Please find the presentations below (member access only). If you aren't a member and attended the meeting, please email charlene.matthewman@srp-uk.org or will be able to send them to you.
SEPA’s vision for environmental regulation - Jo Green, SEPA
Radioactive substances activities and exclusions - Adam Stackhouse, SEPA
The different types of authorisation - Angela Wright, SEPA
General binding rules - Adam Stackhouse, SEPA
Notifications, registrations and permits - Keith Hammond, Adam Stackhouse, Angela Wright, SEPA
What are standard conditions and how to comply with them? - Keith Hammond, SEPA
Transitional arrangements - Adam Stackhouse, SEPA
The University of Strathclyde, Glasgow