News Article
IRPA Congress Geneva
News Story from 2nd Jul 2014
The 4th European IRPA Congress “Radiation Protection Culture – A global challenge” took place in Geneva last week. The Congress was a great success with over 600 participants from 48 countries including a good contingent of SRP members from the UK.
Culture and ethics were strong themes, stimulating many discussions, including whether the radiation protection system still needs dose limits. The Congress demonstrated the growing influence of IRPA as the voice of RP professionals. Presentations and posters are expected to be available via IRPA soon. We will keep you posted.
Emma O'Mara came joint 5th out of 12 candidates in the Young Scientists and Professionals Award and she jointly received the highest score for presentation skills along with the overall winner of the contest. Emma can be seen in red here with the other candidates.

Prof Jan Pentreath made Emeritus Member of ICRP
Posted 11th Jun 2014
SRP Fellow Prof Richard (Jan) Pentreath has been made an Emiritus Member of the main commission of…